28 September 2006

Which Slayer are You?

Okay, I'm a buffy fan now. Yes, I've seen the first three seasons and working on the fourth. I can't seem to get enough of Spike and Xander. Judge me how you will.

You scored as Buffy Summers. You are a very strong individual. You do, however, have some trouble admitting how you truly feel. You've experienced a lot during your life, but you more than manage. Always willing to help, you're a great friend.

Buffy Summers


Tara Maclay


Xander Harris


Dawn Summers




Willow Rosenberg




Rupert Giles


Which Buffy The Vampire Slayer Character Are You Most Like!?
created with QuizFarm.com


YellowRose said...

I scored:

Rupert Giles, You're very wise. Though you've only recently begun thinking about yourself, you're always there to help. Everyone around you holds you in high regard. You've always pulled through.

Buffy Summers 79%
Rupert Giles 79%
Dawn Summers 67%
Xander Harris 63%
Anya 54%
Tara Maclay 38%
Spike 29%
Willow Rosenberg 29%

But as you see it was a tie between Buffy and Giles, so I could go either way!

I loved Buffy too, have the series on DVD myself! ;)

Unknown said...

I am so glad you've joined the Buffy cult. I really miss my Buffy. Can't wait to see you!

I scored as Rupert Giles or Buffy Summers. The tie breaker landed on Giles.

You're very wise. Though you've only recently begun thinking about yourself, you're always there to help. Everyone around you holds you in high regard. You've always pulled through.

Rupert Giles 54%
Buffy Summers 54%
Tara Maclay 50%
Dawn Summers 50%
Anya 33%
Willow Rosenberg 33%
Xander Harris 33%
Spike 21%

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