03 October 2006

"The Hollow (Wo)Men"

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This is a most excellent representation of how I feel right now. (If you really look at this picture and what it represents, you'll catch a glimpse of understanding of my current melancholy.)

I suspect most everyone feels this way at one time or another; feelings of standing out and being alone, feelings of being surrounded by different versions of the same hollow person, wishing to shed your colors for a uniform whiteness. (This statement in itself is a mystery to me... it seems somewhat cyclical...) But today, and for the past four months, I've been the one desperately trying to blend in. And when I really think about it, I know it's foolish of me. I know that we grow up being told to swim against the flow, but noone ever tells you about the loneliness involved in that kind of swimming.


Unknown said...

Hey chick-a-dee. I love the post. I'm sorry for the melancholy you're in right now. Screw all the hollow people anyhow. Although, it's lonely, it's so much more fabulous to be colorful and different. Halloween we'll get to don our fabulous costumes and sparkle. I can't wait! ;) big hug across the miles

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