I just saw a super cute flick - Curious George. I know it didn't do amazingly well at the box office, but this is a movie that is definitely worth your time. First of all, Jack Johnson wrote all the music to it and it is just great. (I foresee a soundtrack purchase in my future...) Will Ferrell and Drew Barrymore were voices in the movie, as well as David Cross from Arrested Development (LOVE that show) and Dick Van Dyke. The writing was very good, even though SO many liberties were taken from the book, (I bet H.A. Rey is spinning in his grave!) and Will Farrell was so funny, as usual. He really was laugh-out-loud funny!
By far, the best part of this flick is the animation! I loved the soft edges and the colors used. On so many different occasions, I just wanted to reach through the screen and hug George. (He seriously reminds me a cute little curious fella, named Luke, who lives in NC. Aunt Suzy's coming for a visit soon!) Curious George is a movie I will own, for sure.
On another note, have you noticed how hard it is to find a really GOOD kids movie lately? They are all so cheesy! I saw Hoot (BARF - didn't even finish it), The Wild (not something to write home about, and some others, and it is sad that there is such a market but lack of quality. Disney hasn't come up with anything either, so they are just re-releasing their former glories (Little Mermaid & Fox and the Hound). It is so nice to know that there are a couple of good ones being released, though - see Curious George!
I'm so jealous! We all have been watching Curious George religiously on PBS. I think Luke might actually make it through the whole movie. You're such a cool aunt! Love ya!
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