14 November 2006


It's come to my attention that a couple of my blog posts need a little extra verbalizations (since I sometimes forget that people actually read this thing and sometimes my mind squirts out confusing and misleading tidbits - yeah, sounds gross, doesn't it?). Anywho, here we go.

I have recently been watching lots of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and, say what you will, I like it. I was hesitant at first, but I made it through the cheesy first season and now I'm hooked. The YouTube post under this one is from the sixth season; it was a musical episode that was completely hilarious to me. (I've watched this clip 5 times and it keeps getting better and better... I'm addicted.)

Alrighty, and I'd also like to give a quicky definition of the word purgatory. I talked about it in my Nov. 8th post, but if you've never read Dante's Divine Comedy, maybe you don't know what this word means. Purgatory is a place between both Heaven and Hell, where one goes through a state of purification (over-simplified version). When I used this word in that former post, I was referring mainly to the state of mind I was in at that particular time. I, rather ineloquently, used this as a metaphor and linked it to a former employment as a physical interpretation. Take no offense, none was aimed (unless you have a guilty conscience). It was merely a physical representation of the time frame - the time spent being a "library clerk" before becoming a trainee and then a librarian.

All on the same page again? I know I can be so random sometimes. Sorry to my readers (and lurkers). I'll never be that award-wining novelist!


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