08 November 2006

Half Empty, You Say?

(Warning: Personal Post Ahead)

Becky just wrote something about this old cliche - the "glass is half" whatever - but in a political context. Me, I've been thinking about this cliche since yesterday, but in a totally different way. (You may have even noticed my wordless wednesday image...) Yesterday, I went back to a place I used to work, to help a former coworker out with blogging whatnot, and it got me thinking about what I've been doing these past two/three years.

Sometimes I get really down, living here. It seems like I don't have many friends, don't have many outlets, don't have many anythings (just fill in the blanks). The glass looks half-empty. And that makes me sad. But yesterday, after leaving that place (let's just call it purgatory), I felt so much better and it's taken me all day to figure out why. Have you ever gone back to a place and known that was your lowest of lows? And that from here on out, it can't get worse than it was when you were there? When I was working there, I had just moved to NY and I had absolutely nobody and absolutely nothing. The job was a demotion of sorts from what I was doing in TN, I had no friends up here, I wasn't going to church (everyone is either Catholic, Jewish, or Muslim up here - except me), I was taking night classes for my MA, and I lived in a crappy little apartment with an EVIL landlord, while my hubby struggled at a school that didn't want him to be there in the first place and my little bro (who also lived with us) struggled to find a place in this big city. (Wow - sorry for all that brutal honesty with no "spin.") Anyway, THAT was a low point. I even left things out!

But now I see that even though I am not particularly thrilled at where I am in the world, I have flourished. The fact that I could make it through the ick and mire of those first couple of years up here proves to me that I actually am a strong person. I made lemonade out of those lemons, and that means something to me. The glass is actually half full. So, there is your bit of brutal self-reflection for the morning. I hope it wasn't too sour, because I know you're used to the sweet. Well then, just stay tuned! "Tomorrow is another day!"


Anonymous said...

Go SuzyQ!!! I'd like some lemonade. Good to see ya kid! It's been a very very long time since I have even spoken with you online. I think about you often. I hope my long distance vibes have helped you in some way. Friend me on myspace and keep in touch.


Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Suzy...You can't always have the good and the bad at the same time. Unfortunately in this life we have to have some of both. Sometimes they come at the same time or they come and just stay for awhile. When things are tough and we make it through those times we realize that we can do what we set out to do...You are from "good stock" and you will be just fine!! I am going to come and read your blog. I have always wanted to but I just always forget!! Silly me!! Hope you have a great Wednesday..

Anonymous said...

Hey Sunshine. Thanks for the post. I needed to hear that. You've always said, "You can be bitter or you can be bitter." I'm afraid I've been bitter. Your positive energy is contagious. love you girl!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the real world. Remember that all life's experiences help to shape your future. Even though you were in purgatory, you learned invaluable skills and received motivation to continue your education. You really are in a better place. However, you are not yet where you were meant to be. Your journey has just begun even though you think you have traveled so far. Life has many more suprises in store for you. Good luck in your travels.
"Still fighting in Purgatory"

Unknown said...

Heh. Christie, to quote Cam Huxford more acurately, it's "You can be bitter or better." But it is pretty funny your way, too! Thanks ya'll for your words and thouhts.

Anonymous said...

sorry, I meant bitter or better :) you can tell where my mind's been

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