My momma is a total goof-ball. Yes, this is her playing with toys in Target. Yes, she has always been this way. And (more importantly) yes, this is why I love her so much! I love her silly spirit and her passion for life. She's had a hard couple of years, having to move up to VA, leaving behind all her close friends and starting over, but I think she has made the best of her situation and I am so proud of her. She's so cute, is she not?!?
Yeap she is cute, sweet, hospitable and my friend!! Sandy
The acorn doesn't fall very far from the tree. Where did you get this? Momma
Terribly cute indeed! Hey found your site when i did a photo search for 100 things and I am using it if you don't mind. Nice blog. I will be adding you to my Crystal Clear Reads!
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