Last Friday, Tim and I went out for dinner and a movie. As per custom, we hit a bookstore before our viewing experience. Usually we just browse, but we found this GREAT book that our friend Ruth would really appreciate. I think that she is the ONLY person in the whole world who would really enjoy this book, so naturally we had to purchase it. (I would write the title because it's just too funny of a subject matter, but it's her Christmas present, so I don't want to spoil the surprise.)
Anyway, we went to the movie (the new Bond flick - which is pretty good) and we went home. When we got back to chez Bomgardner, we realized that we had forgotten our book purchase, wedged between the seats at the movie theater. Ugg. So we called the theater and spoke to a couple of brain-dead high schoolers in "Customer Service" (she-ya right!) who were more interested in their recent acne breakouts than helping their fellow man. (Can anyone say "Bitter?") Needless to say, that didn't work out. So last night, we drove back up there to see if anyone had returned it to the bookstore itself. Since it was a crazy obscure book, we figured someone might at least remember seeing it being returned. Believe me when I tell you that I had no hopes of ever seeing this book again. I figured that someone would probably return it to the bookstore for cash, though. I mean, come on. I live in NY! It is a Darwinian "eat or be eaten" society. Ask anyone.
So Tim and I go to (our new favorite) Barnes and Noble, where we purchased the book and had a little chat with the manager there. We told her what happened. She looked up the recent returns and it wasn't in the records as being brought back. But then she said to us, "You guys wait here a minute - I'll be right back." And she proceeded to go get the other copy she had of that book and give us that in return! Wasn't that so nice?!? I would never have expected her to do that, but I really almost hugged her. So, manager Lauren at Barnes and Noble - you rock. You have helped to somewhat restore that trust I used have in humanity before moving here. I hope that in the circle of life, someone does something sweet for you too, like pay your parking meter or something.
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