03 November 2006

An "Unfortunate" Event

My Lemony Snicket party was a success, I think. I had lots of fun ideas and they translated well. (That is always been my biggest problem - things get lost in translation!) Well, this was my first big library event (that I've hosted) and I know that the kids really had a good time. Tim told me he overheard a kid say "This library party rocks!" Oh yeah. It's because I'm a rockin' librarian.

We had everything from unfortunate magnetic poetry, crazy disguise making, a "lemony" lottery, puzzles and brainteasers that were Klaus-worthy, a Violet invention craft, wacky snacks, a pair of "painted ladies," a disguise training booth, games of chance, and even some really rotten "misfortunes." And to top it off, I had some really great people helping out. (Thanks a million library ladies and Tim!!!) Check out the pictures from this awesome party here.


YellowRose said...

I'm really impressed! I wish I knew a librarian like you when I was a kid!!! You do rock!!

Ruth said...

It looks like you all had a great party. I want to go next time!

Ladybug Crossing said...

Great party! Good job - now you better rest up... Now that the powers that be know you throw a great party, they are going to make you do them all... LOL!!

I met Daisy! She's awesome! You are a very lucky girl!!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Hey Suzi...What a great picture of you!! We are back home now!!! I came home sick but I had a great time with your mom and dad and all our new blogger friends!! What a trip.. You should have been there you would have had fun too. Nice talking to you on the phone too...Sandy

Anonymous said...

What a great page! I love stumbling upon blogs of fellow librarians. I am doing a Lemony Snicket party next Thursday (11/16) and I just love your ideas! Would it be possible for you to e-mail me some more detailed information? I am doing a trivia game, eyeball craft, eyeball relay race, but I love some of your ideas. For example I was wondering what the fortunes said in the Voluntary Fateful Destiny Jar of Misfortune...and how did you do the Lemony Lottery? I have a copy of the Beatrice Letters to give away and I want a creative way to give it away! If you have time, my e-mail address is redscountrygirljen@yahoo.com

Thanks in advance and again...great ideas!

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