15 December 2006

Christmas Time...

That time of year is slowly creeping up and I'm sitting here on my day off, trying to think of all the things I still have to do and feeling guilty for being rushed. I know that half of the world (at least half of the continent) feels this way right now too. The guilt I feel stems from knowing that my perspective is all wrong and that Christmas is not really about sending out fuzzy cards and lengthy newsletters. Well, duh. I can quote you my Suzy Sunday School answer, okay? But most of us (especially us Southern chicks) can't help but feel a certain bit of Christmas "obligation" to our families and friends. On that note, yes - your cards will be in the mail by tomorrow and yes - you will enjoy them. (Or else...)

But as far as Christmas spirit, I've still been looking for it.

I didn't find it in the hustle and bustle of the city. Sure, it was fun to walk about and be amazed at all the Christmas lights and beautiful store windows and the giant Rockefeller tree, but what I also saw were crazy commercialization's and parents complaining about immense crowds and how these outings were more of a burden than fun. Yikes.

I didn't find it when Tim and I were trying to pose our Christmas picture with our cats. What I got from that experience was a scratched up hand, a missing-in-action cat, a hairy sweater and half of a family picture. (Where is Juno? Yes, exactly.)

But you know, I think I spotted some of that Christmas magic when I gave a library visit to a girl scout troop yesterday. It was a group of seven girls, all in the third grade. They met at the library and I had two Christmas stories to read to them and then I was going to show them around the library. Well, I read them "Willy and May: A Christmas Story" and "Santa Calls" - two of my new favorite picture books - and we spent the rest of the time talking about special people in our lives that we will get to see soon. We also talked about Santa. These girls all still believe in him and they told me about their Santa sightings! One girl told me about hearing reindeer on her rooftop, another told me about hearing Santa laugh, and they all told me about leaving him cookies and getting thank you notes from him. Their eyes sparkled and danced as they chatted eagerly about how they planned to catch him this year and where they were going to hide to try to get a glimpse of him. Now that's what I call Christmas!

So yes, even though Christmas can really give me the blues, I have seen it. And I WILL be ready for it, even if it kills me.


Anonymous said...

I love this post. I think that some of those reasons are why Christmas isn't quite my favorite holiday. I love it - but it often comes up short of the ideal we all hope for. And I hear you on the family photo thing - it's mission impossible. - But - What fun with the girl scouts. It's the kids that always seem to remind the adults of the magic of Christmas. (a little Prince quote comes to mind ;) I wish you magic sweet Suzy! Love you and miss you.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Suzy, this sounds just like me this year and I cannot really tell you why. I have not had any Christmas spirit this year. All I have seen or felt this year is commercialism and running here and there, crowds, traffic and people everywhere!! I guess I am just tired of it all!! I wrote an article on it and got a lot of comments...those that agreed with me!! Whoa!! I hope we both get on the Christmas band wagon soon...Sandy..Oh by the Way...Merry Christmas!! smile!!

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