Tim and I spent a whole lot of time getting things ready for this party. We really didn't want to spend an arm and a leg, so we ended up having to make most everything. Did you know traffic cones cost like 30 bucks each?!? Crazy. I ended up just making poster board cones and they looked great. Tim made a slew of cardboard cars that looked A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. He is quite the crafty gent. Even Oscar's Diva and Poppa (my folks) got into being crafty. Diva and I had been pinning (Pinterest) ideas back and forth and coming up with fun ideas. And Poppa made an awesome racetrack for the kiddos to have races on with some great little wooden cars for them to decorate. Really, it couldn't have been a cooler party.
Photo Booth:

Party Favors:

I made some fun party favors for all the kids. They were simple black and white checkered bags filled with all sorts of fun vehicle things. We never could decide on a specific car theme (construction trucks, race cars, fire trucks, big rigs, etc.) because Oscar has a passion for all things wheeled. So the contents were kind of a hodgepodge. The bags included Tonka construction truck stickers, homemade car crayons, a bubble wand (dollar store find with a cool race car sticker attached to gussy it up a bit), race car tattoos, and a paper wheel filled with Reece's Pieces (idea came from this tutorial). We had an age range of 6 months to 5 years old, so these had a little bit of something for everyone.

Onto the food table... After finding tons of inspiration on Pinterest, I came up with some fun snacks. My mom and I worked into the wee hours frosting things and chopping fruit and whatnot. (You're a lifesaver, Diva!) Some of the yummy treats were "tootie fruity hot rods" (apple and orange slices with grape or blueberry wheels), Oreo "spare tires," stoplight cookies, "construction zone cones" (Doritos Chips), "veggie vehicles" (celery sticks with PB and raisin drivers and chopped carrot wheels), "PB&J wheelie" sandwiches, race car sugar cookies, pretzel "stick shifts," green (lemonade) antifreeze, and peach tea motor oil. The birthday cake was something extra special, though. Ever since we taught Oscar how to spell his name, I've wanted to make a cake like this for him. Do you get it, reader? O+S+Car...

(The lighting for these pictures was less than ideal, but you get the point right?)

We all decorated cars at the start of Oscar's party. My dad made some great basic (pinewood derby-type) wooden cars that had a base coat of paint on them (red, yellow, or white) for the kiddos and parents to decorate. They were such a hit! We had a few artists in our group, for sure. Some cars got feathers, some got foam stickers... After that, we had a few track races!

Awards were given out afterward for the best cars... best paint jobs... best attitudes...
If that wasn't already enough, Tim also handmade a bunch of cardboard cars for all the kids to drive for some road games like "follow the leader" and "red light green light." These were so fun! It was seriously cute seeing a flock of tiny drivers. And my "red light green light" sign turned out great! I'll have to post a tutorial on that soon...

Cake Time!

Finally, we had a pinata! What is a party without a pinata?!? Really. So, I saw a great tutorial on Oh Happy Day for doing a number pinata. I think it turned out great. Making the pinata also gave me an excuse to purchase some awesome Martha Stewart fringe scissors. Oh Martha, you speak my language lady.

A special thanks to Brandon Edling and my mom for taking pictures!!! You guys rock!
A-maz-ING! What an awesome party! You guys seriously outdid yourselves. I love all of it. Especially the cake, cb cars and pinata. What a lucky kid!
Oh my goodness, you continue to be my hero! This is fantastic, and I can't believe how much of it you guys did yourselves! It all looks fantastic and so professional.
I'm with the other two commenters-- you are AMAZING! Seriously! This party is a little boy's dream. Glad it was so fun, you rock!
I will like to know how u made the photobooth ??
Hi Erica, the photobooth car we made is just a cardboard thing my hubby painted and cut out. It is supported by pvc pipes (you can kind of see them in the photos) and we just sunk the pipes into the ground to support the car. Since it was lightweight cardboard, it fared okay throughout the party.
Can you please let me know how you made the little cardboard cars the kids are wearing? My son's 2nd bday is this month and I wold love to make them for the party! my email address is camb1985@live.com
Amazing party!!! Congratulations Suzy! I'm planning my son's 3rd birthday next month and I would love to make them the cardboard cars for the kids! Could you please tell me how to make them! They look terrific!
My email address is carol-marques@uol.com.br
thanks a bunch!
Do you have a tutorial for the cardboard cars? I am making some for my little guy's party and those are some of the cutest I have seen.
Amazing! Will your dad be able to share how he made those wooden cars for the kids to decorate? My email: angela.hou@gmail.com. Thank you in advance!
Hi Suzy
All these look so awesome. I want to know how you guys made the car photobooth prop? Is there an easier version to it? My email is randy8107@gmail.com and my son's 2nd birthday is in a few weeks so appreciate if you can email me the details once you see this.. am so excited but same time nervous :)
Hello! Can you please tell me the dimensions of car photobooth please! Party looks awesome!
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