11 March 2010

My "Mr. Bomgardner"

In case you missed it, check out my guy on the NY Times blog! I'm so seriously proud of who he is and what he does. I don't think you could find a more smitten girl. Anyway, World Vision has really been the perfect fit for Tim (and vice-versa, I believe). This is a great article about the NY World Vision Storehouse and some of the things they do for the community in the South Bronx and surrounding area.

The thing I really like about World Vision (that isn't always true about other humanitarian orgs) is their dedication to the communities that they are planted in. Of course, WV helps out during any major national and international crisis, just like the other big organizations, but the day-to-day happenings are just as important in communities such as the South Bronx. Did you know that it is the poorest congressional district in the country? One of my favorite Arrested Development songs is based on a Confucius saying "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat forever." I'm really proud of the involvement that WV has in doing just that. Not only do they work at alleviating some of the material needs of the community, but they also offer workshops and education programs, and even community networks. Poverty is not just about a lack of funds, it's a whole lifestyle. And I am really proud that Tim can be a part of something that is really working to help make people's lives fuller.


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